ORD Drainage/Utilities - Make Item Types Attached through Feature Definitions visible outside ORD
Based on service now case CS0300323, item types attached to drainage/utility nodes through feature definitions are not visible in MicroStation or i.dgns. However, if the item types are attached manually to nodes they are visible outside the civil ...
ORD Drainage - Make item Type Properties available in flex tables.
when adding columns to flex tables we need the ability to add item type properties to the flex tables. similar to how we can create UDX properties and show them on flex tables.
Separate 3D line and 3D object for pipes to different levels.
In Drainage & Utilities, the 3D line and the 3D object for a pipes(conduit/link) is placed on same level. It would be great to have them on different levels - also because it can be a demand from from clients in Denmark, that the line is place...
Create a rule to set drainage node to (active terrain) when setting elevation reference
Presently when setting reference elevation for the node it lets you set it to the active terrain but does not rule it to the (active terrain). If this were done the inlet tops would automatically adjust as the design terrain changes.
Enhancement to Group/Join Multiple Nodes in a Structure Node to Match Existing Survey Data
There is currently not a way to join/group multiple nodes to a structure node to match existing survey data. This node join/group capability is needed to match XYZ surveyed invert points (from field collection) and be able to use the Extract from ...
Allow for Hydraulic calculations and profile creation while using tap nodes
Tap nodes are incredibly useful but do not allow for hydraulic modeling or for profile runs. I'd prefer to use tap nodes over transitions because they are easier to use and do not break trunklines into segments. This would help with profiles, pipe...
DU: add drop calculation to node invert depending on lowest conduit wall thickness
Some times, most common with concrete conduits, the node invert needs to have a drop in reference to the lowest pipe to acomodate its wall. This would later be filled to match.For construction and BIM purpose, this difference is important. Special...
The current connection region of drainage nodes are available for the side faces of node only. The software should allow the connection region of pipe/conduit from the bottom of the node.
Add ability to set default Engineering Libraries for all users
As it stands, I can make a new Engineering Library on a network drive to share with other users, but if I wanted to make that library the "default", I can't without having to make the change for each individual user.
Maintain Item Types when extracting drainage or utility model from survey graphics.
When using "Extract From Graphic" tool to create a drainage or utility model object, the extraction process fails to bring the Item Type from the source object (in this example a surveyed gas line), leading the user to reattach the Item Type to th...