Many dialogue windows don't open up with the best proportions to see the data and they don't save the proportions after they have been edited. It gets tiring having to edit the proportions of dialogues to see the data as needed every single time I...
Remove "Apply Classifications to Library" button from Template Tools or make it more difficult to accidentally misclick.
The button as it functions now, is able to edit whole library with one click. One unnoticed misclick can lead to losing hours of work. Could this function be hidden a bit? Maybe under a separate menu "Edit library" or it could have a pop-up explai...
Civil Cell dgnlib - Sort by name rather than date created
Currently Civil Cells are sorted by date created rather than by name when loaded from a dgnlib. This makes it very difficult to sort these. Oddly, when they are within a file (where the civil cell is "living") they sort by name.
Feature Defintion Toolbar - a proposal for improving this function
Feature Definition Toolbar
A proposal for improving/expanding this feature
Choosing Feature Definitions is a frequently used feature in OpenRoads Designer. Especially in urban projects, switching between pavement types, curbs, placing signs, s...
The Feature Defintion toolbar - a proposal for improving this function
Feature Definition Toolbar
A proposal for improving/expanding this feature
Choosing Feature Definitions is a frequently used feature in OpenRoads Designer. Especially in urban projects, switching between pavement types, curbs, placing signs, s...
Provide Low Point/High Point Information in Profile Table Editor
Lost functionality that was available in Geopak. Helpful to meet specific locations when designing a profile, instead of storing the profile and reading the profile report, or hand calculation of the low and high points.
While I am in a profile view, I would like to be able to open a new profile from a different horizontal without having to activate the 2D view. It is a small thing but would be nice.
Display Civil Accudraw Controls on Geometry created using Offset Tools
When geometry is created using the Horizontal Offset Tools, if the geometry is controlled using Civil Accudraw snaps this is not reflected in the Properties Tab for start and end points. This makes adjusting the Civil Accudraw snaps difficult, suc...
Add Highlight tool in OpenRoads & OpenRail Designer
In OpenTunnel Designer there's "Highlight" & "Clear Highlight" tool in explorer panel which helps us to highlight any particular element in a huge dgn without turning off display levels of other elements. Please bring this to other civil produ...