Add option for scan criteria in models for upper lower limits like Geopak had. It could include wildcards to list levels/features to be included for the upper lower limits. We would rather not manually change level display, feature settings or cre...
When creating a new point in a Survey field book using the “New Point” command, allow an option to hand-enter the coordinates.
When using the “New Point” command for a survey point, the user must screen-pick the coordinates. There are times when it would be extremely useful to hand-enter the Northing, Easting, Elevation.
Calculating Multiple Polygon Volumes using Analyze Volume from Terrain Model
The calculate volume tool only works on a single target polygon. If multiple polygons are present it's quite tedious to calculate one-by-one and manually sum the totals. For example in a bathy survey of a channel it's common to have different area...
Manage Modifications for Point Annotation Definitions
Is it possible we could get the ability to manage modifications for point annotation definitions? Automatic Annotation of all survey point elements is very nice, but in some cases, a note or two may need to be moved. The problem I am seeing is tha...