Would like to be able to have slope dimensions show a suffix of (SK) when showing skewed slopes or be able to define it to display with dual dimensions. The dual dimensions would show the actual plotted skewed slope 5.74:1(SK) and the designed slo...
Include Civil Labels in Pen Table Element Selection Criteria
A client requires background fill in certain annotation notes, which is controlled by a pen table definition. Civil Labels are not included as a selectable Element Selection Criteria Type in the pen table dialog. Text background is insufficient fo...
Add ability to modify annotation group from reference without overrides
In 21 R2, the capability was added to override an annotation group. This appears the only way to be able to modify a local anno group from a referenced dgn. I would advocate to add the ability to override anno groups in the dialog when creating sh...
Add Elevation Mode "3D Element" as an option when placing points
We need to have the ability to place points by snapping to 3D elements (ORD Geometry & Regular Microstation Linework) This is how we give set out points to contractors for grading work. The only way to do this currently, is to choose Elevation...
Create 3D by slope to terrain needs to have the option for the fill slope to be positive and vise versa for cut slope
When projecting a line to a terrain currently the only option for fill is down and cut is up. This needs to be a user selectable option. There are many cases where the proposed surface is above the existing ground yet the fill projection needs to ...
A tool existed in Geopak that could pick out the low point of a cross section to the left and right of centerline and construct horizontal and vertical alignments from that. This essentially automated the creation of a ditch profile along an entir...