Ability to Include Profile when off setting 2D Geometry
It would be much more intuitive and beneficial if there was an option to "include" the profile of a geometry element when using the Offset Tools. Currently, the workflow is to offset the 2D geometry, and then copy the Profile from the reference ge...
Add ability to draw Ahead/Back Tangent line for full length from PC to PI and from PT to PI
Currently in annotation group, the back/ahead tangent line drawn at the PI only has the option for a fixed length. We would like the ability to draw back and ahead tangents the full length from PC to PI to PC. This could apply to both horizontal a...
I want to create a label that will be placed at the intersection of a corridor line and several drawn pattern lines. However, the Intersection placement method only allows for one selection and one other selection. You can't use a selection set. W...
Feature Defintion Toolbar - a proposal for improving this function
Feature Definition Toolbar
A proposal for improving/expanding this feature
Choosing Feature Definitions is a frequently used feature in OpenRoads Designer. Especially in urban projects, switching between pavement types, curbs, placing signs, s...
The Feature Defintion toolbar - a proposal for improving this function
Feature Definition Toolbar
A proposal for improving/expanding this feature
Choosing Feature Definitions is a frequently used feature in OpenRoads Designer. Especially in urban projects, switching between pavement types, curbs, placing signs, s...
Enhancement Geometry Builder to get the point description so that it can be used for legal description reports. Geomerty builder is quicker workflow then building pieces and complexing them together plus it allows saving the parcels.
Enable Login for ArcGIS Integration to deal with Corporate ESRI Data
The ARCGIS implementation does not handle anything behind corporate security for ESRI. As such, ridiculous steps have to be performed to get Microstation Access to a GEO database that isn't made publically availble. Please enable appropriate ESRI ...
Graphics should be excluded from being made part of a complex alignment
If a grahic, a constuction line for example, is touching an alignment element, it will be included in the alignment when the "automatic" funtion is used in Create Complex Geomtery tool The create complex geomtry tool should only take into account ...
Dynamic Settings should use Accudraw like interface rather than HS, DL, XY etc keyins
Accudraw intelligently interprets direction from the last input point. There would be no need to enter + or - on slopes as you move the cursor and lock in direction/distances. The keins would not be necessary if the template editor functioned simi...