Including OverBridges, Noise wall and Large Gantries for Sight distance analysis
For the sight distance analysis, it would be good to include more complex scenarios, like OverBridges, noisewalls, Large Signage Gantries etc. which cannot be included in composite design surfaces.
Include the slope of a terrain into the OpenRoads Modelling/Horizontal/Place Point command from the Geometry command as in Drainage and Utilities/Layout/Place Node.
This would then allow the placement of items that need to be on a slope in an OpenRoads model without filling up the file with a lot of drainage data. An example of this a crash barrier impact attenuator.
Currently there is a menu option to unmerge points for components, it would be nice to just unmerge a single point from both components and not all the points.
Create Terrain from reprojected reference file elements
The terrain creation tools don't work well when using elements from reference files that are reprojected from other coordinate systems. This seems to be true for many of the terrain creation tools. Some tools don't allow the elements from the repr...
Being able to delete more than one point at a time within template creation.
Currently, you can click the delete components within templates and draw a line through any component(s) to delete it(them). It would be nice to have a similar function to delete points by encircling them so you do not have to delete them using th...
Add ability to set default Engineering Libraries for all users
As it stands, I can make a new Engineering Library on a network drive to share with other users, but if I wanted to make that library the "default", I can't without having to make the change for each individual user.
Improve and simplify the named boundary drawing/sheet seed creation workflow
The way it is now, It's just too complex to create and custum the seeds for each client. Too many files, too many things to control and in too many folders/.cgf. You have to create many seeds with different specifics for each sheet size/scale/plan...