Our current standard workflow for roadway corridor modeling is to create a pavement corridor then a corridor for each end condition Rt and Lt. I have seen many others including some Bentley folks use this method. It would be big time saver to have...
I would like to create a generic curb for airborne lidar extraction with a 0.5 ft vertical offset from the gutter to the top of curb and then a 0.5 ft horizontal offset from the top of curb to the back of curb. I would want to collect the gutter a...
Add "Make Active Profile" checkbox to all element profiles tools
Every command in the vertical group in the geometry tab should have a checkbox inside to automatically make it the active one. This way the user won't have to open the profile in a view and select it. Pretty simple and would save a lot of work..
It would be great if ORD had the capability to connect a channel directly to an On Grade Inlet to be able to calculate spread and bypass at the inlet. Currently the workaround is to connect the channel to a Generic Outfall at the edge of the inlet...
In the current software version it is necessary to have hydraulic prototypes, catalogs, ect. in the same dgnlib as any SUDA/SUE feature definitions. This is due to how prototypes and such are managed within the software. In the workspace/workset c...
In regression anaylsis, move the text off the regression line
I've attached couple of screen shots to get my point across. When I do regression, the regression line is selected and highlights. The slew/lift (depending if its horizontal or vertical reg) are displayed ,but right on the millimeter text is where...
Corridor aliasing is used to override corridor template end condition target. Add the ability to add Linear Templates, Surface Templates, Mesh elements, and Solid elements as available targets.
Dynamic Cross Section Enable Showing Elevations at Selected Template Points
Similar to the commands like "Place Temporary Vertical Dimension", have a Right Click command to enable showing the temporary elevation of a specific template point selected such as a Ditch Flowline template point, existing surface at EOP template...
Add an option to place endpoint instead of start point in the "line/arc from element" tools
It is normally very difficult to know where to place the start point to get the next element where you want it, especially when there are transition curves involved. To place the endpoint of the element and let the start point move would be much e...