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OpenBridge Designer

Showing 131 of 1282

[RM Bridge] Enable right-click menu for the side graphic window when the main graphic windows do not show the model

This is a feature request for RM Bridge 1. When the main graphic windows show the model, the right-click menu is enabled for the the side graphic window Please refer to attached 1.png. 2. But when the main graphic windows does NOT show the model, ...
about 1 year ago in OpenBridge Designer / User Interface 0 Needs review

Allow member groups to start and stop at the same support line in LBS

We are modeling a complex bridge in LBS and the bridge is flared. The flare has required the addition of shorter beams that are not full length to keep the beam spacing on the flared end reasonable. Currently LBS does not allow more than one beam ...
about 1 year ago in Modeling / OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler 0 Needs review

Bridge centerline

It will be very helpful if OBM can project the deck centerline along the length of the bridge.
about 1 year ago in OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler 0 Needs review

The ability to edit the positioning and placement of a dimension.

Once a dimension is placed, it seems to be set. The ability to place a dimension and then later be able to adjust it would be tremendous. Not only the ability to adjust the placement of the dimension, but the ability to adjust the placement of the...

Save LeapBridge Concrete design that is exported from LeapBridge Steel

Currently, any substructure design that is created from LeapBridge Steel (LBS) is stored directly in the OpenBridge Designer (OBD) file. To allow multiple people to work on a project at once, it would be easier to have a save as option in LBS Subs...
about 1 year ago in Import/Export / OpenBridge Designer 0 Future consideration

TAC Superelevation XML File

Would be nice if Bentley could provide a Superelevation XML file for TAC Canadian users. The AASHTO XML seems to work but it is not compatible with the TAC Canadian standard.
over 1 year ago in OpenBridge Designer / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer 0 Future consideration

Separate geometric ratios summary from stress ratio summary

OpenBridge LEAP Steel Summaries include geometric ratios (like together with stress ratios. This is not helpful, as that ratios is not a real demand/capacity ratio, therefore when that geometric value of "performance ratio" is high, it...
about 1 month ago in OpenBridge Designer / Reports 0 Future consideration

Allow the use of equations when creating civil labels

We would like to be able to create a civil label that labels the elevation of a terrain model. We would like this label to include both a top of curb elevation and automatically do the math to subtract a set distance from that elevation so that it...

Bring back Active Chain Control or Similar Tool

In GeoPak, the Active Chain Control tool was very useful for selecting a particular chain or alignment and having the location information (station, offset, etc.) be display in a dialogue box. The location information would live track with the loc...

Allow Pier Diaphragms to fall between the beam ends rather than encasing the beams inside the diaphragm (TDOT).

TDOT doesn't encase the beams inside of the pier diaphragms. TDOT places an 18" diaphragm between the beam ends with bent-up strands being used for anchorage into the diaphragm. If the bridge is skewed, the diaphragms are skewed at a different ang...
about 1 year ago in OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler 0 Needs review