The ability to Assign Superelevation to Approach Slabs would be good. If I use the Sync with Deck that does bank the approach slab but also extends the edge of the approach out to the fascia of the Bridge. Typically, our approach slab extends only...
Allow modeling of Pier Segments with different cross section
For Segmental Bridge Modeling, Pier caps segments typically have diaphragms built in and are a different cross section than the other typical segments. OBM should allow this to be modeled.
Allow the use of equations when creating civil labels
We would like to be able to create a civil label that labels the elevation of a terrain model. We would like this label to include both a top of curb elevation and automatically do the math to subtract a set distance from that elevation so that it...
Please add a variable MS_LEVEL_DO_NOT_OVERRIDE_DESIGN_LEVELS_IN_DRAWING that does what MS_LEVEL_DO_NOT_OVERRIDE_DESIGN_LEVELS_IN_SHEET does for sheets but for drawings
Option to Edit the Loads Font on Leap Conc -> Sub -> Geo Tab
I would like the option to edit the font on the Leap Concrete, Substructure tab, Geometry Tab. This way the text displayed that shows the loads can be increased which can help when saving images for review and record keeping. Thanks
I would like to see an upgrade and continued support for LEAP Bridge Concrete and LEAP Bridge Steel. Most recent updates I have seen are from 2020 and with the ever increasing demand for Model Based Design it will be imperative to upgrade and prov...
Please add the correct version number to applications user preference folder. Currently when you browse to Openroads user preference folder you get folders called 10.0.0 and 10.0.0_1. These folders need to contain the version number of Openroads s...