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OpenBridge Designer

Showing 101

Expand Text Favorite Fields to the limit

Text Favorites are great. This is the primary way we transfer information from the model into intelligent annotations. Their functionality needs to be expanded to cover, quite literally, anything. If a property is discoverable anywhere in the desi...

Clipping export of 3D models using Named Boundaries to separate dgns

When exporting a model to IFC it is possible to export the model splitting to Named Boundary Groups. This is very powerfull because you can split your model and the volume reports in smaller parts. It would also be good if you can split the dgn to...

Use Annotation Groups to add Hatching / Pattern elements and Dimension Elements

We have several sheets where we want certain lines that have specific feature definitions to have a dimension on the plans. We also have several shapes that we always want to show hatching or patterns appearing on the plans. Right now we have to m...

Frame action or double curvature to be considered when superstructure is integral with substructure

When a superstructure is integral to substructure for Leap Concrete, both girders in the superstructure module and columns in the substructure module analysis/ design should incorporate frame action for any design load cases such as breaking force...
5 months ago in OpenBridge Designer 0 Future consideration

Allow population of annotations along Plan named boundary borders

Currently, profile named boundaries have the option to populate annotations using the named boundary border as a reference line. This is how the stations and elevations come in along the bottom of the boundary. Specifically in Indiana, we are aske...

Add support for buildingSMART IDS

IDS as Information Delivery Specification is a standard comes from buildingSMART which ensure openBIM pricipes for exchange of information requirements and validation. Please check at

Apply Multiple Deck Point Controls by Station Ranges

There are many circumstances where the same Deck Template point needs to be Point Controlled onto multiple linear features. Currently the user needs to either create multiple decks/support lines or create Geometry that traces the original and join...
over 2 years ago in Modeling / OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler 0 Future consideration

Allow the use of Guidelines to be used for advanced deck for barrier placement.

Please allow the use of guidelines of a deck template to be used for barrier placement. Right now it's limited to regular decks only. WIth advanced deck, only the Alignment can be used.
over 1 year ago in OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler 0 Future consideration

Add Highlight tool in OpenRoads & OpenRail Designer

In OpenTunnel Designer there's "Highlight" & "Clear Highlight" tool in explorer panel which helps us to highlight any particular element in a huge dgn without turning off display levels of other elements. Please bring this to other civil produ...

Modify stirrups in columns or shafts - using different stirrup size or spacing.

Please feel free to reach if you have any questions for this request. My email address is Sometimes I want to modify stirrups in columns or shafts - using different stirrup size or spacing. I did auto design first then try...
10 months ago in OpenBridge Designer 1 Future consideration