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OpenBridge Designer

Showing 102

Copy Pier/Abutment in LEAP Concrete

Please add the ability to copy an abutment or pier geometry/definition from one pier location to another. I would like to be able to design my pier geometry at Pier 1 based on my loading, and copy that pier design to pier locations 2 and 3. Simila...
over 1 year ago in OpenBridge Designer 0 Future consideration

Ability to speficy background color for active View

Being aware of what view is active is fundamental in ORD workflows. For now, active/inactive is shown with a light color difference in title bar and cannot be changed.I'd like to be able to specify hihglight color as I can specify active window co...

Separate geometric ratios summary from stress ratio summary

OpenBridge LEAP Steel Summaries include geometric ratios (like together with stress ratios. This is not helpful, as that ratios is not a real demand/capacity ratio, therefore when that geometric value of "performance ratio" is high, it...
6 months ago in OpenBridge Designer / Reports 0 Future consideration

Zoom button with CivilAccudraw

It would be useful to have a zoom button (toggle) added to CivilAccudraw to automatically zoom to location of selected point. Example: type a station and it will zoom to that station. And maybe with capability to zoom 2D only or on multiple views ...

Add superelevation tracking

add civil analysis, or tracking to superelevation lane, so we could know what is the superelevation when in transition.
about 1 year ago in OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer 0 Future consideration

Edit Begin and End Support for Deck and Beam Groups

Let's say there are 4 spans and the user defines a bridge with 5 supports and the deck and beam groups run from support 1 to support 5. Then the engineer learns that we don't want this long of a bridge, only 3 spans. Please add the ability to chan...
over 1 year ago in OpenBridge Designer 0 Future consideration

Warning if we attach a dgn with ss4/ss10 schema data

As projects are still transitioning to ORD, I propose for a warning in ORD if someone tries to attach a reference dgn file that includes ss4/ss10 civil schema. As I understand it can be dangerous to mix these types of data especially if something ...
over 1 year ago in Functional Areas / OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

Allow multiple live load vehicles in Leap Bridge Steel to be exported to Substructure Analysis

Currently, when exporting the Leap Bridge Steel (LBS) to perform substructure analysis, you can only export one live load vehicle at a time. Our project has two separate vehicles to be analyzed. One workaround is to export the loads, close the fil...
over 1 year ago in Import/Export / OpenBridge Designer 0 Future consideration

Allow the use of equations when creating civil labels

We would like to be able to create a civil label that labels the elevation of a terrain model. We would like this label to include both a top of curb elevation and automatically do the math to subtract a set distance from that elevation so that it...

Assign Superelevation to Approach Slab

The ability to Assign Superelevation to Approach Slabs would be good. If I use the Sync with Deck that does bank the approach slab but also extends the edge of the approach out to the fascia of the Bridge. Typically, our approach slab extends only...
about 1 year ago in OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler / Superelevation 0 Future consideration