A geometry tool is needed to easily create a Compound Horizontal Curve with Spiral segments. Having the ability to quickly compute a Spiral-Curve-Spiral-Curve-Spiral between two tangents would be greatly beneficial to the track design work we do. ...
Allow users to see horizontal and vertical alignments while in view only mode.
Wise users open files in read-only mode when they don’t intend to change the file. ORD should promote good file practice to allow us to view geometry when we are in view only mode.
When a Text Favorite is set to "Active Settings" it looks at the file setting and is not reading active dimension style setting from the element template or the tool settings. According to MicroStation the Active Setting is set by the dimension st...
Disable Point Controls Rather than Delete When Control Can't Be Found
Currently when the control - profile, alignment, feature - can't be found due to a deletion or reference detachment, the corresponding point control(s) is removed from the corridor. Considering that these events may occur inadvertently and not dis...
Add a Geometry Connector tool for Vertical Geometry
Cuurently OpenRail implements a tool called Geometry Connector (similar to Multiple Horizontal element Regression Analysis in Power Rail Track). However similar geometry tool is not available for vertical geometry calculations. It would be possibl...
almost 2 years ago
in Geometry
Future consideration
Currently 3D elements that are curved are rendered with a series of line segments. While this might be okay for some applications, it makes the 3D model very unhelpful for plans production (i.e. you cannot dimension radii of curves). We need the c...
We need that when writing down the singular points of a railway deviation (P0, P1, P2 and P3), they are joined by straight lines P1 with P2 and P0 with P3. See attached image. In fact, the V8i version did represent the detour scheme. Thank you!