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Showing 82

Make Survey Attribution Easier to Import

Currently, ORD cannot process more than two attributes from a survey data file into their own unique attribute column. The workaround is tedious and unintuitive: First, modify the CSV file from the data collector (not good practice to modify a sur...
4 months ago in OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / Survey 0 Needs review

Fiber Mesh Cross Sectional Analysis

Con sider adding fiber-mesh tools for cross section analysis to RMBRIDGE. This allow the use of different materials in the cross section. This is important in seismic analysis for the definition of the Moment-Curvature properties. This feature is ...
4 months ago in Analytics / OpenBridge Designer 0 Needs review

Itwin cannot synch .dgndb files using the online connector.

The connector for .dgndb is only available in the desktop synchronizer. Shouldn´t it be available in the online portal?
5 months ago in Import/Export / OpenRail ConceptStation / OpenRoads ConceptStation 0 Needs review

Additional SUE / SUDA Configuration Variables

Currently, Drainage and Utilities feature definitions get captured via the CIVIL_CONTENTMANAGEMENTDGNLIBLIST variable within the workspace. Many configurations often use wildcards and file names that lump together features of D&U with road, ra...
5 months ago in OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / Workspace 0 Needs review

DU conduits external wall controled by Feature Symbology

We have the option to define a template to pipes external walls, but only through the feature definition. For all other elements of the pipe, OR allows for feature symbology. From my experience, symbologys work better and are more constant.
5 months ago in Drainage and Utilities 2 Needs review

Enable hydraulic analysis for referenced files

For large projects, we need the ability to have multiple engineers working on the hydraulic model. We can achieve this by splitting the pipe network into multiple files and creating catchments in separate files. Doing so causes us to lose the abil...

Turnout profile elevation in reports

We need the ability to get the profile elevation from the turnout points to the turnout report.
6 months ago in OpenRail Designer / Turnouts/Crossings 0 Needs review

Add support for slope manipulator in profile when the "Use Construction Length and Slop" Preference = True

when the "Use Construction Length and Slope" Preference = True", in the profile view the slopes can not be edited. c If the "Use Construction Length and Slope" Preference is set to False, We can edit the slope value directly in the profile. Please...
6 months ago in Drainage and Utilities 0 Needs review

ajouter liste déroulante des fields code dans Survey

ajouter liste déroulante des field code dans Survey, dans PowerInroads c'était possible et ça évite d'avoir une liste de code à consulter
7 months ago in OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / Survey 0 Needs review

DU: Only modelling workflow

When starting a DU, OpenRoads creates a whole DU project inside the file and brings a lot of hidroly/hidraulic properties with it. That's fine if the goal is to run an analysis. But what if I just want to model a whole network and never run it? Di...