I process survey data for the Maine Department of Transportation. We have been transitioning from InRoads to OpenRoads for about a year now and are currently using OpenRoads Designer 2023. Myself and others in the Department are seeing frequent co...
Automate the assignment of a node's sump offset based on largest connecting pipe's wall thickness
We are looking for a workflow where the Sump depth value can be set to the thickness of the "largest pipe" connected to a node. When the user places a node, if there is an option to set the sump depth to the thickness of the pipe, then it would au...
If ditches do become channel features, KYTC would need channels to then be able to attach to other node types besides headwalls since we have many conditions and locations where they outlet into inlets of various types.
It would be amazing if we could utilize our own grate spacing for calculating the head on inlets. KYTC has several grates that don't quite match with what is in the delivered system, and this may affect the depth of the head on the inlet.
At KYTC we like to show the vaults of drainage structures, in order to do that S&S drew them for us. ORD does that in 3D, however, we turn the 3D off when producing plans. It would help in the case that we could point to two cells (one that ma...
Create/save an annotation group after manual edits by selection set
Would it be possible to create/save an annotation group after all the manual edits are complete? Essentially, creating an annotation group by selecting the text on a level or color.