Alter the automatic border width script in SignCAD for the Ohio Department of Transportation standard to line up with the MUTCD with regards to sign border width (Section 2E.14 Sign Borders).
Civil Labeler - Add Dimension Line when annotation between points
When using Civil Labeler to annotate between 2 points, like plan linear>between geometry, it would be great to be able to place a dimension line controlled by usual dimension style and being able to place the annotation at the middle of the dim...
Ability to plot CPT data in OpenRoads from OpenGround
Our partner Dataforensics has a project with an OpenGround user, HDR where they need to plot borehole data and CPT data in OpenRoads. Seems like they were able to do this in Civil3D but are now using ORD and want to do the same as the attached
Allow Plan Annotation>Arc>“Arc Length” property to annotate length for both Arc and Chord Definition curves so that only one text favorite is necessary to annotate curve length if both types of definitions exist in the same alignment.
With this issue we need to be able to create a single Alignment Feature Definition that will be able to annotate both Arc and Chord defined Curves in the same alignment. That single Alignment Feature Definition will have a Length Label “L” and it ...
It would be beneficial to project multiple profiles that are parallel to each other in one profile grid. For instance, one for Left front face of a curb, another for Construction Centerline, and another for Right front face of curb.
Horizontal and vertical regression values displayed in mm
Reporting horizontal slues and vertical lift/lowers interactively in the plan or profile model always displays as per the working unit, which I have set to metres. It would be useful to display these values in millimetres
Add the ability to open OBD & OBM files without a WorkSpace/WorkSet.
Request: I would like to ask that the ability to open OBD & OBM files without a WorkSpace/WorkSet be allowed. ORD has this ability, OBD/OBM should too. Reason: Being able to open a file, especially a .dgnlib, without a WorkSpace/WorkSet is ver...