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Add an end element in xml file

To make it easier to select and report the end of an alignment it would be good to have an "Alignment End point" or "Alignment end element" in plan and profile. Also in cant!
25 days ago in Reports 0 Needs review

RM Bridge Envelopes for Shell Forces

I would like to start using RM Bridge with shell elements for transverse analysis, however, I have just found out that currently it does not provide envelope results for shell forces, this is an essential tool for live load transverse analysis.
11 months ago in OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler / Reports 0 Needs review

RM BRIDGE Line Integrals Enhancement

I have tried using the line integrals for shell elements in RM Bridge, but the results are not accurate by around 10%. This is not acceptable. I was told by Ana Carla that the linear integrals results come from Gauss points integration, but I do n...
11 months ago in Reports 0 Needs review