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Drainage and Utilities

Showing 29

Export Drainage Model to 2D Linework

It would be nice to be able to export a drainage network into 2D linework that can be edited for plan sheets. Currently, we don't use our modeled files directly in our plan sheets as we cannot adjust the conduit line styles and it takes longer to ...

Flex Table - option to be placed plan.

There are times we create a flex table so we can add as table on our plans. Currently several steps to make it happen. (export to csv, then import the table using excel/csv) There should be a direct option/button to add/place from the flex table t...
3 months ago in Drainage and Utilities 2 Needs review

Enhancing Drainage Annotation Flexibility: Options for Maintaining Relative or Fixed Locations in Plan and Profile Views

Currently, drainage annotation will snap back to the placement location based on the placement settings within annotation groups. When I move the annotation I'd want to have the option of maintaining the location in relation to the object or maint...
about 2 months ago in Drainage and Utilities / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Needs review

Drainage Annotation rotation based on sheet view rotation

Currently, the only rotation options for drainage annotation is constant. With alignments that are curving, our sheets must change rotation. It would save a lot of time spent manually adjusting rotation on each sheet.
about 2 months ago in Annotation / Drainage and Utilities / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer 2 Needs review

Ability to Place a Conduit/Pipe "Without" a Node

Many times, we have conduits/pipes that simply daylight a surface and drain on to the ground or into a pond. Please add the ability to place conduit/pipes "Without" the need of a Node. I understand that we can create a sort of null point/node that...

ORD Drainage - new properties for gutter spread/depth at edge of grate (not center)

Ohio DOT likes to see the spread and depth at the edge of the grate. Currently the software reports on the spread and depth at the start and end of the gutter. Would like additional properties to also report the spread and depth at the edge of the...
about 1 year ago in Drainage and Utilities 0 Needs review

Civil view Settings (Drainage and utilities) in Personal Preference

Have the Civil preference for drainage and utilities as file setting rather than personal preference. There are times we had to change the settings depends on what we are designing. eg. we want to show connecting conduit if we do drainage, not whe...
3 months ago in Drainage and Utilities 0 Needs review

Add support for slope manipulator in profile when the "Use Construction Length and Slop" Preference = True

when the "Use Construction Length and Slope" Preference = True", in the profile view the slopes can not be edited. c If the "Use Construction Length and Slope" Preference is set to False, We can edit the slope value directly in the profile. Please...
7 months ago in Drainage and Utilities 0 Needs review

DU tool to update node name by feature definition

The name of the nodes are defined at placement by the selected Feature Definition. It's common for it to be changed during the design process. For these cases, all altered nodes must be manually renamed. This usually is done through selection or u...

Automatically adjust structure Hight to include pipe thickness

it would be more accurate to calculate the structure Height if when a pipe is connected to a structure that the bottom base slab was adjusted to be below the wall of the pipe. this would also make the 3D model look better.
about 1 year ago in Drainage and Utilities / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Needs review