Drop Leading Zero in Civil Reports and Text Favorites
When utilizing civil geometry to create a parcel and then creating a Legal Description report within the Civil Reports, the software add a leading zero to a bearing of less than 10 degrees. For example, "North 07 degrees 09 minutes 12 seconds West...
I have imported several groups of horizontal event points such as viaduct start and endpoints. The points include their point description. I would like to report Station, Easting, Northing and the point description but the "Horizontal Alignment Ev...
Add latitude and longitude values to Report Browser
The raw-xml is missing Latitude and Longitude information when creating reports. InRoads had this capability, but it appears to be missing from OpenRoads.
Analyze Volume Terrain model misses the old "Triangle Volume report" option
When using the "Analyze Volume Terrain model" tool the only way to save the result is to place a text in the dgn file. As in the legacy product (PowerCivil/InRoads) we need to be able to save a report (eg. using TriangleVolumes.xsl) ...it should b...
I would like to file an enhancement request to create a report displaying geometrics, stations and offsets. I have attached an email with the details on how we would like the information displayed in the report. Here’s the information from our me...
Add regression report tool for reporting against a control alignment
In Bentley Rail Track you could run a "Regression" report via Tools - XML Re
ports - Regression...
This was an invaluable way of reporting existing cants, sixfoots, etc. with the figures generated in line with a
'Control Track'.
about 2 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
We use reports generated in the Civil Reports Browser to export reports that go to contractors in the field. We often run into issues with the formatting of the report not being set correctly. This problem is compounded by the fact that formatting...
Ability to generate aggregated quantity report for all components linked to a price list
As a road designer, I would like to be able to produce a report aggregating all quantities for all components for a project, items in this reporting being linked to a price list.With Item types and Reports we have ability to generate data, but for...
Add Geometry Point "Name &/or ID" as an option for "Columns to Add" When Reporting on Geometry Points
In order to create a "Set Out Point Table" which is dynamically linked to geometry points in a DGN, we first need to report on the Points. Currently for Geometry Points, there is No Option to include the Geometry Point Name or ID. This Needs to be...
I would like to start using RM Bridge with shell elements for transverse analysis, however, I have just found out that currently it does not provide envelope results for shell forces, this is an essential tool for live load transverse analysis.