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Drawing Production

Showing 142

option to have the Named Boundaries "Show the Create Drawing Dialog" toggle stay on

As a designer it would be great to have an option to have the tool active as the default. There are very few instances where I would create sheets without this active. I know the other designers in our department operate the same way as well.
over 1 year ago in Drawing Production / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / User Interface 1 Future consideration

Civil Labeler - Defined Rotation Angle

We place grade elevation labels on our plans typically at a 30 degree angle from the view. Currently, the civil labeler only allows for rotation to be set to "View Horizontal" or "View Vertical" regarding placement as it relates to the active view...
over 1 year ago in Annotation / Drawing Production / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 1 Future consideration

Plan/Profile Sheets - Center Justify Clip Boundary

Right now in our plan and profile drawing seed files, we can only anchor a clip boundary from its left-most point. This works if users always place the same linear distance on each sheet, but if the user wants to vary the project length shown on e...
about 2 years ago in Drawing Production / OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

Point on Tangent Annotation Group

This is an enhancement request to recognize that POT's are different from PI's. Presently ORD can not distinguish between the 2 different types of points. We want to use separate labels, "PI" and "POT". Our enhancement request is to distinguish be...
12 months ago in Drawing Production / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

Civil Labeler - Add ability to use in Sheet Model

Please add the option to use Civil Labeler in sheet models. For some sheets, there is no readily-apparent need to create a drawing model (e.g. for schematic-type drawings with no dimensions), so we only create a sheet model. Unfortunately, this pr...
over 1 year ago in Drawing Production / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 4 Future consideration

Civil Labeler - Add Dimension Line when annotation between points

When using Civil Labeler to annotate between 2 points, like plan linear>between geometry, it would be great to be able to place a dimension line controlled by usual dimension style and being able to place the annotation at the middle of the dim...
almost 2 years ago in Drawing Production / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Planned

Display existing and proposed track intervals on long section tables

It would be useful if existing and proposed track intervals (6fts) could be displayed automatically in the tabulated data of a profile for a drawing.
3 months ago in Drawing Production / OpenRail Designer 0 Needs review

Requesting Dogleg Cross Sections

Cross sections must be perpendicular to the flow lines at all locations. And they cannot intersect with each other. That is why it is common to see cross sections snap at different angles outside the main channel (we call this doglegging). The tri...
about 1 year ago in Drawing Production 1 Needs review

Add ON/OFF toggle option to Civil Labeler for Arrow Head

Just like you already have the option to toggle on and off a Box Frame or Text Divider around a label and the option to have a leader line or not, we would find it very useful to have the option to toggle ON/OFF an arrowhead.
almost 2 years ago in Drawing Production / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration

. Can the process of creating the sheet layout be updated to select the intersections as key locations which are to be the centre of a sheet, then the remaining length between the intersections is divided to provide an optimal spacing.

The Sheet layout for alignment plans is not used verry much because it often places the sheet break within intersections. An intersection should be on one sheet without a break. Can the process of creating the sheet layout be updated to select the...
over 1 year ago in Drawing Production / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer 0 Future consideration