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Triangles disappear when editing terrain model using swap line if feature definition does not have triangles on.

Open up a dgn with a terrain and set the feature definition to only display the boundary. Turn on triangles Edit terrain with Swap Line command Once you use the command the triangles disappear and reverts back to the initial feature definition. It...
almost 2 years ago in Terrain 0 Future consideration

Exported TIN surface must carry same edge method on importing.

Exported surface in TIN format not keeping the same edge method while importing it in new .dgn file. So, it is expected to get such functionality where the exported surface should carry the same edge method or while importing any surface it should...

Better Elevation Thematic Tool for terrains.

It's very hard and troublesome to create elevation countours for cut and fill or layer thickness. The legends values have to be updated by hand for each new terrain. And in the end, it`s actually just a Display Style applied to the terrain or the ...
about 1 year ago in OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / Terrain 0 Future consideration

Add Color Coded Surface tool from InRoads to OpenRoads Designer.

The Color-Coded surface tool is missing in OpenRoads Designer which was there in InRoads, We can use the Thematic Height Display Style but that forces to use Rasterized Option while printing and in the PDF the surface gets pixelated.
over 1 year ago in OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / Terrain 0 Future consideration

Add some kind of optimization setting for "existing ground terrain contour display" to improve performance

We really need some kind of optimization setting available which will improve the performance of OpenRoads when Existing Ground Terrain Contours are Displayed. I believe this setting in Civil 3D is called "Level of Detail" or something. The proble...
3 months ago in OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / Terrain 0 Future consideration

Export Terrain countours to DWG

Even if you create contours and label them the labels are lost on Terrain drop or export to DWG.
about 2 years ago in Import/Export / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / Terrain 0 Future consideration

Terrain label integrated with element template should able to rotate

The Element Template of the terrain are integrated with the Major /Minor Contour labelling and control by Text style for modification , This labelling is only in the orientation of the up Slope , and can not be rotate to down slope or control as p...

Complex Terrain Loading Performance Improvement

Following recommendations of federated files workflow, Complex Terrain is usually built from individual terrains located in separate attachments. Complex Terrain file is then attached to design files, i.e. geometry, corridors, etc.. During opening...
about 1 year ago in Terrain 0 Future consideration

Dont reset terrain Feature Definition when changing annotation scale

Since Bentley support told me this is works as designed and to submit an idea (when obviously this should just be fixed, yes FIXED because the way its working now is just wrong!) When you're in the model that contains the terrain, and you change t...
about 1 year ago in OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / Terrain 1 Future consideration

Terrain substitute tool

"Terrain Substitute” command that would swap all links from one Terrain to another, and also swap Parent Terrains for Surface Templates ( without breaking rules/relationships).
10 months ago in OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / Terrain 1 Future consideration