Currently, Drainage and Utilities feature definitions get captured via the CIVIL_CONTENTMANAGEMENTDGNLIBLIST variable within the workspace. Many configurations often use wildcards and file names that lump together features of D&U with road, ra...
Bridge engineering would greatly benefit from having rebar cages that are parametric in nature so we do not need to start over on rebar when a design change occurs.
Ability to define the slope of any points within the dynamic section using the measure tools
Having the ability to quickly check both existing and design crossfall/superelevation would increase efficiency within the program as there would be no requirement to run a template and report to evaluate existing cross slopes
Drainage Annotation rotation based on sheet view rotation
Currently, the only rotation options for drainage annotation is constant. With alignments that are curving, our sheets must change rotation. It would save a lot of time spent manually adjusting rotation on each sheet.
A physical report containing all surface areas and total area. Application use cases for this would include: -Useful for project planning and cost estimation. -Help determine material quantities. -Assists in environmental impact assessments by pro...
Ability to export and import all corridor objects such as point controls to enable rebuilding of corridors
I know parametric constraints can be exported but if a corridor becomes corrupt then being able to rebuild it from scratch easily would be useful. Similar to an input file in MX
Dynamic Cross Section Enable Showing Elevations at Selected Template Points
Similar to the commands like "Place Temporary Vertical Dimension", have a Right Click command to enable showing the temporary elevation of a specific template point selected such as a Ditch Flowline template point, existing surface at EOP template...
Add an option to place endpoint instead of start point in the "line/arc from element" tools
It is normally very difficult to know where to place the start point to get the next element where you want it, especially when there are transition curves involved. To place the endpoint of the element and let the start point move would be much e...