Include Custom Beam Type in Beam Definition for Steel Bridges
For Steel bridge modelling, for the beam definitions, the only possible options are defining rolled or built-up shapes or defining Tub Girders. It would be very beneficial to have an option or steel beams to define custom cross sections similar to...
OBM should incorporate a Bridge Objects utility similar to the Corridor Objects in ORD. Having to go back and forth between the Explorer and the Properties panes is a clunky and inefficient workflow especially when you're typically accessing an ob...
The ability to copy plan drawings from a different file to have the same boundaries for different disciplines and you are able to edit named boundaries in each separate discipline. In summary the named boundaries start the same but they are indepe...
Need the ability to report a partial quantity for an item type. For example, I can use this.GetElement().LinearElement_Length to calculate the length of an element. But I cannot report part of the length with a fence or border. My only options in ...
Openroads designer annotation groups extend the white space management to all items
Right now only the text element can have the "manage modification" turn to true. This mean that only text will not move when doing annotation. The white space management, or manage modification to placement annotation should be avaiable to all ite...
Sheet models do not inherit the coordinate system from the Design model when created. The goal is to be able to create a georeferenced pdf that lays flat on aerial photography.
Add latitude and longitude values to Report Browser
The raw-xml is missing Latitude and Longitude information when creating reports. InRoads had this capability, but it appears to be missing from OpenRoads.
Plan/Profile Sheets - Center Justify Clip Boundary
Right now in our plan and profile drawing seed files, we can only anchor a clip boundary from its left-most point. This works if users always place the same linear distance on each sheet, but if the user wants to vary the project length shown on e...