Allow new Line of Sight analysis to be included in Civil Cells
The new Line of Sight tool is a great addition to the visibility toolset, however, automated repetitive checks are still not possible. As the "standard" Line of Sight checks are usually for things like approach to stop lines and fixed objects, int...
Create 3D by slope to target tool alse creates 2D geometry
This tool should work similar to a linear template. It should respect the "Create Template Geometry" option from the feature definition and generate the 2D geometry, not just the 3D one.
There should be tools to allow the end elements in a complex element to be replaced by the designer. The Redefine tool can be fine for elements in the middle and the append tool may be fine for just adding but if I want, for example, to swap the l...
When creating vertical curves "from element" it would be really useful to be able to set the outgoing slope (I have not been successful using "civil accudraw" for this purpose...).
Have LandXML export support b-spline curves as a geometry type
This would benefit users who are trying to export their geometry using LandXML as the export format. Currently, bspline curves in an alignment are not supported by LandXML export and have to be manipulated to export the geometry.
Ability to use Cross Section Named Boundaries across references
We would like to be able to create cross section sheets by referencing previously created boundaries in a similar manner to how we currently are able to use Plan and Profile Named Boundaries across references.
Currently our only option is to bring in Navisworks Simulate models is find the .DWGs that possibly populate it and bring each one in individually. The individual reference option misses out on any files from other software (such as smartplant) su...
Visualization of Flood Fill based on min and max height values
A function of flood fill a portion of the terrain based on a min height and max height value. It allows a drainage engineer to visually check if a certain flood top water level will flow beyond the project boundary. Is there a way to do this in Op...
Hi, Bentley Macro Recorder have potential to improve time lines for repetitive works. Please upload more videos for Macro and VBA explaining some tasks like data exports, plan&profile creation tasks, fence or corridor boundary modelling, cells...