Clipping export of 3D models using Named Boundaries to separate dgns
When exporting a model to IFC it is possible to export the model splitting to Named Boundary Groups. This is very powerfull because you can split your model and the volume reports in smaller parts. It would also be good if you can split the dgn to...
It would be useful to allow editing of contours after a terrain model is created. Call it "Contour Edit Mode" and allow users to massage contours in areas and preserve these edits similar to how ORD now remembers triangle edits in 10.12.
Allow Graphical and Tabular Editing Simultaneously
Within the Table Editor tool, provide the designer the ability to graphically edit the profile while simultaneously locking any particular VPI or grade in proximity to where they wish to make a change. This was an awesome feature in Vertical Geome...
Add "Do Not Connect Features" button to Corridor Objects Dialog
While modeling complex projects there has been many instances where I would like templates to not connect features between drops. My current workflow is to create a new corridor at these locations. One example is when a new roadway base course sec...
For modeling corners that is harder to do with templates, similar to Civil 3d, the ability to quickly manipulate elevation points and slopes on a 3d wireframe design would make designing curb ramps so much easier.
Annotate the flow direction of a ditch in cross section drawing model.
Ability to annotate the flow direction of a ditch using an annotation group within a cross section drawing model. Currently the annotation exists only for plan view (See communities post here ). In Geopak we had a workflow to accomplish this task,...
The feature name (e.g. a number) of the tap node can be labeled in the plan.The tap is visible in the "Engineering Profile".It would be helpful if this could also be displayed and labeled in the profile view/drawing. How it should work: Tap Node i...
Use Annotation Groups to add Hatching / Pattern elements and Dimension Elements
We have several sheets where we want certain lines that have specific feature definitions to have a dimension on the plans. We also have several shapes that we always want to show hatching or patterns appearing on the plans. Right now we have to m...
I need a closed linear survey element to populate the area in the element information. I'm wanting to create a civil label that will place the area of a closed shape. As far as I can tell, this will work except with survey elements.
Allow Surface Template for Corridor Top/Bottom Meshes
It would be extremely powerful if Surface Templates could select and use Corridor Top or Bottom Meshes as their base surface. If these were ruled users could create irregular shaped pavement elements with ease. This is something currently very lab...