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OpenBridge Designer

Showing 144

Anisotropic shell elements in RM Bridge

The implementation of FEM shell elements as a supplement to the beams in RM Bridge Enterprise, is a useful tool. Sometimes it will be useful to model the shell elements with different properties in the longitudinal direction compared to the transv...
about 1 year ago in OpenBridge Designer 0 Needs review

Civil labeler functionality

Being able to label areas when clicking on a shape

Need a way to analyze plan, profile, and xs simultaneously with sta/off information

there is no good tool that we have found that allows you to analyze plan, profile, xs simultaneously with sta/off & elev information.

Copy Pier/Abutment in LEAP Concrete

Please add the ability to copy an abutment or pier geometry/definition from one pier location to another. I would like to be able to design my pier geometry at Pier 1 based on my loading, and copy that pier design to pier locations 2 and 3. Simila...
over 1 year ago in OpenBridge Designer 0 Future consideration

Add toggle for static labeling for contours using element templates.

Allow dynamic labeling to be turned off for contours so that contour deliverables can be generated for clients who do not use openroads. When working with a large area the dynamic labels are too large when using extract contours because you have t...
about 2 years ago in OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler / OpenRail Designer / OpenRoads Designer / OpenSite Designer / Terrain 0 Already exists

Frame action or double curvature to be considered when superstructure is integral with substructure

When a superstructure is integral to substructure for Leap Concrete, both girders in the superstructure module and columns in the substructure module analysis/ design should incorporate frame action for any design load cases such as breaking force...
6 months ago in OpenBridge Designer 0 Future consideration


I believe that LEAP isn't accurately calculating the LLDF for LFD. It appears to currently compute the LLDF for moment and shear correctly, but it doesn't appear to calculate the LLDF for reactions at all. If it were calculating the LLDF for react...
about 1 year ago in OpenBridge Designer 0 Future consideration

More decoration features for plans production

We need additional 2D decoration feature definitions for better control in plans production, specifically for barrier and drilled shafts
over 1 year ago in OpenBridge Designer / OpenBridge Modeler 0 Needs review

Ability to speficy background color for active View

Being aware of what view is active is fundamental in ORD workflows. For now, active/inactive is shown with a light color difference in title bar and cannot be changed.I'd like to be able to specify hihglight color as I can specify active window co...

Transverse PT for shell element segmental box girder

Introduction of Transverse PT for shell element segmental box girder.
about 1 year ago in OpenBridge Designer 0 Needs review