Ability to modify 'Rational Method Frequency Adjustment Factor' for a specific catchment or range of catchments.
Currently there is only an option to add Rational Method Frequency Adjustment Factors for the entire storm, which affects all catchments. Our GDOT standards require modification of the factor for only C values less than 0.6.
Enable the “Zoom” feature within the Survey Field Book
Within the Survey Field Book of ORD, the right-click context menu offers a “Zoom” option. This should, I presume, fit all the selected survey features into view. It doesn’t work but would be very useful if it did. (Please see the attached image)
Set Item Types and their attributes in the Template Library
Currently item types and their attributes would need to be programmed into to read a component or selected manually after an element is displayed. If the templates in the template library had the ability to set these selections and values ahead of...
Exporting reports to excel now prompted to save the file first, rather than it exporting directly into a new excel window.
Reporting tools are critical to our workflows to validate and document designs. Please consider reverting to exporting directly to Excel without having to save first - as this added step appears to be causing the issue, and only adds time to the w...
In the same way we introduced slew and lift/lower unites, we should be able to define cant units in the Design File Settings>Civil Formatting. And it should be use by the "Show Existing cant" capability we can set in the Preferences
It would be useful to have the ability to annotate only part of the horizontal alignment. There are situations where we need to have several different annotation groups along the alignment.
Horizontal and vertical regression values displayed in mm
Reporting horizontal slues and vertical lift/lowers interactively in the plan or profile model always displays as per the working unit, which I have set to metres. It would be useful to display these values in millimetres