Currently when only one rail alignment can be selected to output a horizontal report. Would be great if the ability to select multiple alignments and output a horizontal report at the same time. Reason: Currently have projects which contain multip...
In current version we do not have flexibility to change height/depth of a node from default 5.25 feet. At times we need lesser deep Nodes which does not require more than 1 or 2 feet of cover from soffit of conduit.
This tool was very useful for placing cells such as "raised pavement markers" at set distance intervals along very long stretches. Without this tool, plans involving tasks such as these, especially in transportation plans, take much longer.
Civil cells contain horizontal and vertical geometry. In practice, typically the vertical design is unique for each placement instance of design features that could utilize civil cells, even though the horizontal geometry is similar or varies para...
Horizontal and vertical geometry - edit vertical elevations/profile in plan view, improve geometry snap rules/constraints.
We have used the horizontal and vertical geometry tools to create terrain models for site design of rest areas. We have found this to be very inefficient and time consuming. For example, the rest areas typically have sidewalks that vary in width, ...
In OpenRoads Designer Explorer, add a feature list for terrain features, similar to the new "point filter" dialog.
Currently features that make up a terrain can be viewed, added, or removed graphically. Would like to be able to see all terrain features in a table or list view, similar to point filter list. In addition, be able to add and remove or temporarily ...
Add ability for Custom Line Style to place point feature on the curve in survey
The user has created a line style that just shows the points (Begin, End, and Vertices). The line works fine with a straight line but does not show vertices along a curve. The line style is used in the Survey for the center line data shots. If the...
Template Library - List Points and Components without Feature Definitions
In the Active Template pane of the Template Library, we are able to see Point Feature Definitions and Component Feature Definitions that have been assigned. However, we are not able to easily see all Points or Components which have no Feature Defi...
Add ability to delete multiple template point's constrains at once while editing the Transition Midpoint
While editing the Transition Midpoint, we need to delete both the constraints of multiple template points. currently we can delete the constrains of point one at a time. This can become tedious process when there are lot of points of which both th...