IDS as Information Delivery Specification is a standard comes from buildingSMART which ensure openBIM pricipes for exchange of information requirements and validation. Please check at
It would be extremely useful to be able to have a list of all the project components in a WorkSet easily accessible from the explorer, regardless of what dgn you are in. Exactly like the sheet index tool but for terrain models, alignments, corrido...
Show Full Sheet Seed Name in Create Drawing Dialog Drop-Down
In the current "Create Drawing" dialog, which is usually the second step after creating a named boundary, the Drawing Seed drop-down does not show the full name of the drawing seed. Usually this is correctly populated by default, but occasionally ...
Display Civil Accudraw Controls on Geometry created using Offset Tools
When geometry is created using the Horizontal Offset Tools, if the geometry is controlled using Civil Accudraw snaps this is not reflected in the Properties Tab for start and end points. This makes adjusting the Civil Accudraw snaps difficult, suc...
Add Geometry Point "Name &/or ID" as an option for "Columns to Add" When Reporting on Geometry Points
In order to create a "Set Out Point Table" which is dynamically linked to geometry points in a DGN, we first need to report on the Points. Currently for Geometry Points, there is No Option to include the Geometry Point Name or ID. This Needs to be...
When using Cross Section Navigator, ability to see what the respective named boundary in plan view
When using the Cross Section Navigator to review the XS, I would like the ability to see the named boundaries highlight according to the cross section that you are looking at. This was a feature in OpenRoads Technology.
Need a Terrain report in ORD having Root Mean Square Error in it same as the report by the "compare point to tin" tool in GEOPAK
User is wants the terrian report from native Geopak which gives Root Mean Square Error to be added to ORD. In Geopak there was a tool "compare point to tin" tool that provided a report. This report would provide the "Root Mean Square Error". In OR...
Allow for LP/HP for terrains to have both Point and Text shown at the same time
When zooming out, the points are shown. When zooming in, the points are hidden and the text is shown. I'd like for the point to always be shown and have the text be dynamic.
about 2 years ago
in Terrain
Future consideration