Flexibility when using a workset template to create a new workset
A lot of the DOTs have workset templates that come with their workspaces. You do not currently have the ability to manually choose where to save your files when you use a workset template to create a new workset. All of that gets grayed out and ev...
Add elevation ranges when measuring volume between terrains.
In Geopak, there was a tool under DTM Tools > Analysis > Volumes, where you could specify elevation ranges to calculate the volumes, while also taking into account the volumes between two TINs. You were able to specify multiple contour inter...
Place 1 Cross Section per Sheet (or other predefined number of cross sections)
We want to place only one cross section per sheet so that once a pdf is created, the user can flip through the pdf pages quickly and each cross section appears in the same spot. We can sort of trick this by changing the spacing, but it would be mu...
Terrain filters have the ability to use the Feature Definition, but a lot of the time we have elements that we do not want all elements of a feature definition to be captured by the terrain filter. Our current workaround is to have multiple versio...
We would really benefit from having the option to Export & Import "Entire" Annotation Group/Definition Libraries in the same way we can Export/Import feature Symbologies & Feature Definitions. Currently we are limited to Export/Import only...
Ability to Annotate Horizontal Curve Design Speed in plan annotation using a Text Favorite.
In OpenRoads Designer, Currently we can not annotate horizontal curve Design Speed in plan annotation. This can be done in OpenRail Designer after creating a cant. But In OpenRoads Designer there is no way to annotate design speed in plan using te...
over 2 years ago
in Annotation
Future consideration
Apply an Annotation Group to multiple named boundaries at a time
In cross section creation it would be helpful to batch select a group of drawing models to apply a specific annotation group to (after drawing models are created from named boundaries). For example, we usually have driveway cross sections or half ...
Very useful in Rock Tunnel Connections, It should work similar to Mesh Subtract in MicroStation, but should be a part of the Corridor information, like todays Corridor Clip is.