Add A More Intuitive/Simplistic Way Of Copying OpenRoads Data From One .dgn File To Another
We need a more Intuitive/Simplistic way of copying OpenRoads Data/Designs from one .dgn to another. Reason Being: Other disciplines (mechanical/structural etc.) reference our Civil Models into their designs and only want to see the latest versions...
Ability to superscript and underline the decimal digits for spot elevation annotation
Currently it is not possible to format only the decimal digits of the annotation. The user wants to annotate the spot elevation in a custom format where the decimal units are having superscript and the underline. The option from DIN Dimensioning o...
Very useful in Rock Tunnel Connections, It should work similar to Mesh Subtract in MicroStation, but should be a part of the Corridor information, like todays Corridor Clip is.
Ability to turn on and off geometry and switches by track
Currently OpenRail Designer allows to turn on and off geometry according to FD. However, there are cases where it is more useful to turn on and off tracks by track name, rather by FD. This could help the process of creating drawings faster. Simila...
Text Favorite Attribute Pair Field Settings for Survey Points/Lines
Field Sub Types in the Text Favorite Manager for Survey Point and Linear features do not seem to have the option for prefixes or suffixes. This would be handy. I have attached a video.
Add a button that will save the plotting view on a sheet model. So that after you adjust your levels, the sheet looks like you want it to print and you close the file, the next time you open it is still as you left it. Save settings does not do this.
Terrain Display Option/Creation without Facet Smoothing
The way Openroads currently displays terrain models is not very defined. We need to have the option to create terrains without the use of Facet Smoothing so they will display similar to how InRoads does. I've attached a sample of an InRoads Terrai...
at the moment, in Open Rail CE 2022 Release 1, we can edit speed in cant editor . it is not comfortable to have two windows (speed table and cant editor) when we design cant, speed. better solution to have it in one window