Alter the automatic border width script in SignCAD for the Ohio Department of Transportation standard to line up with the MUTCD with regards to sign border width (Section 2E.14 Sign Borders).
DU conduits external wall controled by Feature Symbology
We have the option to define a template to pipes external walls, but only through the feature definition. For all other elements of the pipe, OR allows for feature symbology. From my experience, symbologys work better and are more constant.
Add groups and filters to Parametric Constraints so that I can limit the list to where I am working
Would be nice to be able to group the parametric constraints by what they are, similar to how event points can be grouped. Say I am adjusting pavement depths, would be nice to see only the pavement depth constraints. Similarly, would also like to ...
Almost all other Geometry exports now have key ins to export geometry, except GENIO. In many parts of the world this is a primary data exchange and construction deliverable so automation is key to efficiently delivering. Adding a key in that allow...
Adding a toggle option to control superelevation section automatic recalculation
Providing a toggle to control the automatic recalculation of superelevation values when the alignment it is dependent on is revised will help limit re-work needed to customize the superelevation values for a project. Exporting and reimporting supe...
The text from annotation groups doesn`t follow the view rotation or the ACS. Just the global. This makes it unpratical and unhelpful.. Most plan sheets doesn`t follow the true north rotation and have an ACS. I don`t know if this is a bug or just n...
Many templates utilize null points to feature constraint or parametrically move to influence display rules within templates (switches). The ability to move those null points to see how they influence template display rules within the testing end c...
Control the level/feature definition of surface templates selection layer
Currently when you select a surface template in 3D view, a ghost mesh element under the "Default" level appears. I believe this element defines the surface template as a whole. There is presently no way of controlling this element to assign it a f...
When using parametric constraints to transition between default template values and the desired value, a separate parametric constraint is often required to control the transition length. (ex. Default to New, New to New, New to Default) An optiona...
Improve Complex Terrains - Do not process terrain until all terrains are added and ordered
When creating complex terrains each time a terrain is added the software processes the new terrain. This can take a long time if multiple terrains are added and reordered to a complex terrain. Please edit the software to process the terrain only w...