New Variable to Control XSEC View Exaggeration Separate from Profile View Exaggeration
Consider adding a set of variables to control XSEC view exaggeration and default exaggeration separate from profile view exaggeration. This would be similar to how there is a separate set of variables for super exaggeration. Suggested variables wo...
We sometimes need to make updates to dozens or hundreds of feature symbologies and feature definitions, or we need to export a list of features for documentation/training purposes. Currently, we have to do this one by one, which is maddening. Plea...
Add the ability to open OBD & OBM files without a WorkSpace/WorkSet.
Request: I would like to ask that the ability to open OBD & OBM files without a WorkSpace/WorkSet be allowed. ORD has this ability, OBD/OBM should too. Reason: Being able to open a file, especially a .dgnlib, without a WorkSpace/WorkSet is ver...
Retain or be able to re-associate references when "One DGN Per Sheet" used to facilitate ProjectWise Integration
Many companies/DOT's use ProjectWise Explorer Client which will apply attributes such as sheet number and total sheets to sheet models via tags. The only way to apply this on multiple sheets is to use the "One DGN Per Sheet" option. If a reference...
Configuration to point to template library folder location
it would be helpful if there was a way to set a configuration variable to point to a folder (instead of a specific itl file) when the template library is opened. Our frustration with pointing to a specific file is that the first person to open the...
In Explorer under OpenRoads Standards, we can select and see the properties/details of multiple feature definitions and symbologies. It would be extremely helpful to be able to edit the properties for multiple options when they are all selected. S...
Add ability to update Element Templates that are already tied to Feature Symbologies
If you have Element Templates (ET) separate from your Feature Definitions / Feature Symbologies, ORD will make a local copy of an ET if it is used in a Feature Symbology. If that ET is updated, you must delete the ET and copy in the updated versio...
Include common support structure types used in the UK
It would be good to add to the OBM library, for example standard abutments types used in the UK that are not integral and need an abutment gallery to align with the CIRIA C543 Bridge detailing guide.
Improve and simplify the named boundary drawing/sheet seed creation workflow
The way it is now, It's just too complex to create and custum the seeds for each client. Too many files, too many things to control and in too many folders/.cgf. You have to create many seeds with different specifics for each sheet size/scale/plan...