Civil Profile 3d Cut - Add depth of cut like Section Callout tool
Currently, the named boundary civil profile tool only takes a slice through a model. It would be extremely useful to be able to specify a depth (clip volume) to capture more geometry that what is being sliced through
This tool would replace the old Geopak tool that created chevrons with minimal effort. It's certainly possible to create chevrons by hand with the current tools, but it takes significantly more time for what was a pretty quick task. I think the ol...
Allow user to organize named boundaries including moving boundaries between groups and re-ordering within group etc. This would be particularly useful for cross sections and creating end area volumes. Sometimes we have to retrospectively create ad...
After creation, no 2D handle is created or anything similar. It can only be selected/edited through the 3D model. This tool is amazing, but it is in dire need of some major improvements.
Create 3D Automatically should inherit elevations from civil points if you draw a civil line and snap to the points
For detail grade areas it would be nice to place points in plan view and snap lines to those points. The lines would have annotation groups assigned to them to label the slope and distance between the points. Grades could then easily be tweaked by...
Issue: No way to export Flex table data from Openroads to IFC. Impact: This prevents us from meeting client standards for data-rich IFC outputs on infrastructure projects in Europe. Request: Add functionality to export Flex table data to IFC as a ...
Calculate Component Quantities for Linear and Surface templates
To get the component quantities and document them, it is not possible to get a table for linear templates and surface templates as quick and easy as with the corridors.
- Corridor. You can go to Explorer, OpenRoads Model, right click in a corrido...
Profile by Best Fit > Convert to Profile Rule requires ability to set vertical curve type
Create a best fit vertical profile and then convert to a Profile Rule. It only creates parabolas ... we need the ability to create a circular vertical curve. The profile by Best Fit command may only utilize parabolas, but they ONLY work with circu...
Allow Annotation Groups to use "Place Text Along" from MicroStation
For a plan annotation group, the ability for annotation text on arcs/curves and spirals/transitions to be placed to follow the geometry centreline curvature. The present options only allow the text to be placed as a tangential/perpendicular straig...