Enhancing Named Boundaries: Updating Named Boundaries and Applying Geometry Rules
To enhance productivity and efficiency in live projects, we need dynamic Named Boundaries linked to Geometry. This includes the ability to update the shape or location of a named boundary after creating a sheet model, with the changes reflected in...
Reintegrate the automatic "Save Sign Inventory" checkbox.
In previous versions of SignCAD, there was a default checkbox for automatically saving sign inventory files alongside the .SGN file when saving sign files. This feature would be valuable to have alongside the other proposed sign inventory features.
Drainage Annotation rotation based on sheet view rotation
Currently, the only rotation options for drainage annotation is constant. With alignments that are curving, our sheets must change rotation. It would save a lot of time spent manually adjusting rotation on each sheet.
Allow for Hydraulic calculations and profile creation while using tap nodes
Tap nodes are incredibly useful but do not allow for hydraulic modeling or for profile runs. I'd prefer to use tap nodes over transitions because they are easier to use and do not break trunklines into segments. This would help with profiles, pipe...
[Frame Annotation] For Collision free leader Add Option to Trim the Mainline Leader line
Currently in the frame annotation (Is Top Frame) if the Annotation with Collision free option turned on have a negative bottom margin defined so that the leader start before the mainline leader ends, the mainline leader needs to be trimmed from th...
It would really be helpful for users with OBD to not have to open OBD prior to opening OBM. That is a big pain point that I get a lot of complaints about. Also it is very confusing for users at first, they don't understand why they can't just clic...
After the corridor is created, it is possible to see the final contours. However, the contour elevation labels are not shown unless a proposed surface is created. Why is that so? I believe it would be beneficial to toggle on/off contour elevation ...
It would be nice to be able to export a drainage network into 2D linework that can be edited for plan sheets. Currently, we don't use our modeled files directly in our plan sheets as we cannot adjust the conduit line styles and it takes longer to ...